Booking Form


Since June 2022, we have been trying to make an impact on the local community, by keeping Spacemakers in a clean, tidy and usable condition.

Whilst we work with Bristol City Council to ensure everything it completed in a timely manner, there are occasions where (due to how busy the council are) certain parts of Spacemakers has now been maintained to the standard that we would like.

Thankfully, we have won multiple funding bids which have allowed us to purchase our own equipment so maintain the park should this be required.

Due to the amazing funds from Jewsons (which funded the amazing Herb garden we now have) and YourPark, we now have equipment available for the community to use.

This equipment can be booked through the booking form on the right. Any booking are for a day. Where the equipment can be collected at any point throughout the day, but needs to be returned before the day finishes.

This allows us to ensure everything remains present and correct. If you need the equipment for multiple days, you can do so and ensure the equipment is returned at the end of the last day.

Any bookings for Fridays need to either be returned by the end of the day, or booked as a Friday to Monday slot if you require them for the weekend. This can them be returned at any point on the Monday, ready for the next booking on the Tuesday.

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